Political Positions Of Newspapers
Rights for workers and minorities are key. Believe the rich benefit for exploiting the poor and that the system should end revolution.
Liberal/left of Center
Pretty middle of the road. Tend to offer the most unbiased, objective perspective. Believe it is important to represent people from all minority groups and countries.
Conservative/ Right of Center
Uphold traditional values about Britishness, class, gender etc.: anti- Labour and Lib Dems. Don't like Britain being part of the EU. Wary of immigration. Pro-Capitalist.
Incredibly patriotic. Dislikes change - highly supportive of traditional values: anti abortion, anti - same sex marriages, heavily opposed to immigration. Believe Britain should be Britain for (White) British people.
Metro - ''Workhouses' For Teenage Mothers' - Liberal
The Sun - 'Scrambled Clegg And Toast' - Nationalist
The Daily Telegraph - 'Ireland fights to stave off £77bn bail-out' - Conservative
Morning Star -' Tax The Rich - don't rob the poor' - Socialist
The Independent - 'I am no longer sceptical. Now i have no doubt at all. Climate change is the major challenge facing the world' - Liberal
Daily Mail - 'Social Websites 'Harm A Child's Brain'' - Nationalist
Daily Express - 'Romanians Steal Man's Home' - Nationalist
The Guardian - 'Minister Orders clean-up of convert policing' - Liberal
The Times - 'Unions prepare ground for wave upon of strikes' - Conservative
Daily Mirror - 'Corrie Kym's Marriage Break-Up' - Liberal
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