History of online news
The Death of Print
The iPad was named 'the print killer'.
The Mirror
Online - main story, who is it targeting?
Most recent story - 'Melanie Hall was last seen alive in June 1996'
Target audience- demographics D-E.
Twitter - most recent, who is it targeting - has it been retweeted?
Most recent story (4 Oct) - Met Police's disastrous probe into 'VIP paedophile ring' caused by 'poor judgement'
Emotive headline
Targeted toward right-wing people as they believe in punishment for wrong.
Participatory - review columns, ratings etc.
What do they say - who's involved?
Out of 12 people:
75% rated The Mirror 'bad'
17% 'poor'
8% 'great'
The Telegraph
Online - main story, who is it targeting?
Most recent story - 'Brexit Latest Rory Stewart will stand to be London Mayor after resigning as MP'
Target audience - demographics A -B
Twitter - most recent, who is it targeting? - has it been retweeted?
Most recent story - 'Scotland Yard has been accused of "institutional stupidity"
Participatory - review columns, rating etc.
What do they say - who's involved?
The Telegraph also recieved bad reviews but it was not the actual news stories it was the service of the website provided.
The iPad was named 'the print killer'.
The Mirror
Online - main story, who is it targeting?
Most recent story - 'Melanie Hall was last seen alive in June 1996'
Target audience- demographics D-E.
Twitter - most recent, who is it targeting - has it been retweeted?
Most recent story (4 Oct) - Met Police's disastrous probe into 'VIP paedophile ring' caused by 'poor judgement'
Emotive headline
Targeted toward right-wing people as they believe in punishment for wrong.
Participatory - review columns, ratings etc.
What do they say - who's involved?
Out of 12 people:
75% rated The Mirror 'bad'
17% 'poor'
8% 'great'
The Telegraph
Online - main story, who is it targeting?
Most recent story - 'Brexit Latest Rory Stewart will stand to be London Mayor after resigning as MP'
Target audience - demographics A -B
Twitter - most recent, who is it targeting? - has it been retweeted?
Most recent story - 'Scotland Yard has been accused of "institutional stupidity"
Participatory - review columns, rating etc.
What do they say - who's involved?
The Telegraph also recieved bad reviews but it was not the actual news stories it was the service of the website provided.
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