History of online news

The Death of Print
The iPad was named 'the print killer'.

The Mirror
Online - main story, who is it targeting?
Most recent story - 'Melanie Hall was last seen alive in June 1996'
Target audience- demographics D-E. 

Twitter - most recent, who is it targeting - has it been retweeted?
Most recent story (4 Oct) - Met Police's disastrous probe into 'VIP paedophile ring' caused by 'poor judgement'
Emotive headline
Targeted toward right-wing people as they believe in punishment for wrong.

Participatory - review columns, ratings etc. 
What do they say - who's involved?
Out of 12 people: 
75% rated The Mirror 'bad'
17% 'poor'
8% 'great'

The Telegraph 
Online - main story, who is it targeting?
Most recent story - 'Brexit Latest Rory Stewart will stand to be London Mayor after resigning as MP'
Target audience - demographics A -B

Twitter - most recent, who is it targeting? - has it been retweeted?
Most recent story - 'Scotland Yard has been accused of  "institutional stupidity"

Participatory - review columns, rating etc.
What do they say - who's involved?
The Telegraph also recieved bad reviews but it was not the actual news stories it was the service of the website provided.
