Online News

  • Easily accessible from anywhere
  • Less paper used / better for the environment
  • Updated and immediate 
  • participate / interactive  
  • unreliable (device)
  • more targeted ads / more ad revenue 
Online newspaper - Stand-alone publication or as an online version of a printed periodical.

Blame for the recent decline in print newspapers

  • Recession means people don't have as much spare money to buy daily newspapers.
  • People want news on the go and so they are turning to technology to get their news - news websites, news reports, and social media. 
  • People want their news quicker, daily print editions are already old news most of the time. 
  • Advertisers can advertise online for free - Gumtree for classified ads, for example. 
  • Advertising revenue has decreased and this is what pays for 70% of newspaper costs. 
The Daily Telegraph
Who owns this newspaper?
  • Barclay Brothers
What are the circulation figures for the print version of this newspaper?
  • 2010: 691,128 
  • 2019: 360, 345
  • A decrease of almost half in 9 years 
What are the browsing figures for the online version of this newspaper?
Have increased and are higher than print figures 

In what ways does the website try to mimic the print edition of the newspaper?
  • There is a large image in the centre linked to the story. 
  • The headline on the left side. 
  • Advertisement at the top, the same as the print edition. 
  • Same font 
  • House style layout
Who adversities in the print edition of this newspaper?
  • Audemars Piguet - watch company 
  • Sky Mobile 
  • Specsavers
  • Oxford University clinic - Mayo Clinic healthcare
  • Talk Talk
  • Xero - businesses
  • Peugeot 
  • Cancer research 
  • Raindance Film Festival 
  • Tesco Mobile 
  • Breitling 1884 - the watch company 
  • Travel solutions tours 
  • Rolcruise
  • Chapterhouse - Covent Garden 
  • Dreweatts

Who advertises on the online site of this newspaper?
  • Freedom Hong Kong
  • Volvo 
  • Oxford college
Section C:
Exam Question -
Changing social contexts, caused by technological advances, have created a long term decline in the circulation of national newspapers. Explain how newspapers have responded to these changes. Refer to The Telegraph to support your answer.

In your answer you must:
  • consider relevant social contexts that influence newspaper 
  • use your knowledge and understanding of relevant academic ideas and arguments
  • explain the relationship of recent technological change to the production, distribution and circulation of newspapers.
  • refer to The Telegraph as an example of how newspapers have responded. 
                                                                                                                                [10 Marks]

Social contexts have changed over time due to technology advances, therefore, causing a decline in the circulation of national newspaper print sales and the incline of online media. Newspapers have responded in some ways. For example, the population of Britain has increased massively over a short amount of years as shown from circulation figures of The Telegraph and the almost half decrease from 2010 at 691,128 to 2019 at 360,345 print newspapers sold. This is because of the fact that older generations, who were more likely to buy print newspapers, are no longer here, therefore, resulting in the decline of newspaper sales in general. In addition to this, younger generations are now turning to online media to get their news as it is easily accessible whenever and wherever needed. Technology is now part of everyone's everyday lives, unlike 10 years ago, as we now have smartphones so the news is accessible from anywhere. Statistics shown state that the majority of readers of the print newspaper are males of the average age of 61 clearly showing the demographics of people who read the hard copy. In contrast to this, statistics found for the online newspaper state that males are still the majority gender but they are much younger, at 35-39. 

Similarly, audience expectations have changed as 24-hour news is essential. Print newspapers come out the day after the event has happened therefore it being old news which is not what our generation wants. We want to know what is happening as soon as possible as that is what we expect so newspaper companies are now widening to online. Newspaper companies now have memberships available on their websites to get exclusive news which could perhaps move their target audience from print newspapers to online as those invested in news will want to know everything and can access it quickly and up to date. The Telegraph offers a £3 membership which works out cheaper as daily newspapers are £1.50. This saves money so would be great for younger people as they may not want to spend lots of money on something less important to them. Younger people are also more conscious about the environment so they may prefer to access news online as it reduced the amount of paper and fossil fuels used. 

The print version of the newspaper is mirrored in the online version as it has similarities of the large, main image of the story in the middle. It also has advertising above the name of the newspaper which is the same as the print version. The adverts are clearly targeted towards the demographics of the newspaper as some include Sky broadband, Watch companies and holidays/trips. 
