Showing posts from October, 2019
The Jungle Book- Reiamgined
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Featurette - notes The first version Jon was given was far from the original film. A lot more violence, no music, King Louis wasnt in it. The book was filmed by holes drilled into the table. They shot some scenes in suits (motion capture) so they can imagine and picture the scene and film. Blue scenes are used. They used pannels of LED to see where the light is. They alter characters poses or other objects. they change and alter the composition. Puppets used to make the performer feel as if it real. Eyeline props - more real emotion Changed the renderings of the characters to match the actor's emotions or movements. Able to change the weather to affect the mood and scene. Changed the male role of the snake in the original to a female. Much more seductive and reinventive. 104 piece orchestra for the music in the film. Jon wanted the classic orchestral sound so it has the timeless Disney feel. Involved is also cultural i...
Marketing - the jungle book
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Ways to market a film social media trailers / teaser trailers merchandise posters advertisements on television clothing promotions star names (large fan base) brand names franchise (e.g. McDonalds) word of mouth websites Marketing - involves all of the deals done to get the films shown and promoted. - promotion involved paid for 'above the line' advertising which will be funded as part of the project such as trailers an, spin offs, posters and billboards which are of mutual benefit to the film and another commercial agency. e.g. McDonalds Happy Meal with film theme. - includes related merchandising and 'below the line' publicity which is not paid for but again generates mutual interest. Marketing - the jungle book Disney made several smart marketing choices during the lead-in to the release of the film that helpe...
Hypodermic Needle Theory + Hall's reception theory + IMAX
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Hypodermic Needle Theory - suggests that the information from a text passes into the mass consciousness of the audience unmediated, i.e. the experience, intelligence and opinion of an individual are not relevant to the reception of the text. The theory suggests that, we are manipulated by the creators of media texts, and that our behavior and thinking might be easily changed by media-makers. It assumes that the audience are passive. This theory is used to explain why certain groups in society should not be exposed to certain media texts. Bandura - the media can influence people directly. what do audiences want from a film? entertainment escapism large sfx well know actors high production value High production value - mega sfx - a 'clean' look - 3D - Imax - Digital cinemas IMAX Clarity, detail, and size make IMAX more than a movie. At the cinema, two projectors run simultaneously to provide the perfect image ...
Vertical and Horizontal integration + Push and Pull Media
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Horizontal integration When two firms combine, whose products and production level is the same, then this is known as Horizontal Integration. advantages- Larger Market Share Bigger Base of Customers Increased Revenue disadvantages- Regulatory Scrutiny Vertical Integration Vertical Integration is when a firm takes over another firm or firms, that are at a different stage on the same production path. advantages- Positive differentiation can be created. Asset investments can focus on specialization. It can increase a brand’s local market share. Transaction costs are lower throughout the supply chain. Quality assurance can be built into the s ystem. disadvantages- It forces a business to operate within an economy of scale. It reduces flexibility. There may be unforeseen barriers when entering a new market. Confusion is created easily and often. It isn’t a cheap investment. Mainstream audience- mass media aud...
The Jungle Book
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The Jungle Book 2016 Pre - production and production Director of the film Jon Favreau Screenplay writer Justin Marks Actors Bill Murray as Baloo Ben Kingsley as Bagheera Idris Elba as Shere Khan Lupita Nyong'o as Raksha Scarlett Johansson as Kaa Cost to make $175 million Technology used Photorealistic rendering, computer generated imagery, motion capture technologies. Promotional events to help market The Jungle Book Disney made concerted efforts to promote the film to male audience. Trailers aired on TV sports networks like ESPN and highlighted that the film came from the same studio that made the Pirates of the Caribbean series, rather then Cinderella. An extended 3D trailer was also played at screenings of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
The film industry
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Process of making a film Coming up with the idea Finding a production company who likes the idea to then produce it. Screen writer writes and edits the script Costume designer Finding a director, actors, other people who are going to work on the film. (camera men, sound, producer etc.) Finding locations, hiring crew Filming- director oversees everything, production design team create the overall visual, cinematographer oversees the camera, make up artists work with costume. Editing - sound editors, sound mixers. Marketing and advertising - websites, trailers, posters Release film 4 Stages of film: Production Distribution Marketing Exhibition/ Exchange Production- creation of the film development - the script is written and drafted into a workable blueprint for a film. pre-production - preparations are made , cast and crew hired , locations selected, etc built. production - film footage is shot post production - film is edited: production...
History of online news
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The Death of Print The iPad was named 'the print killer'. The Mirror Online - main story, who is it targeting? Most recent story - 'Melanie Hall was last seen alive in June 1996' Target audience- demographics D-E. Twitter - most recent, who is it targeting - has it been retweeted? Most recent story (4 Oct) - Met Police's disastrous probe into 'VIP paedophile ring' caused by 'poor judgement' Emotive headline Targeted toward right-wing people as they believe in punishment for wrong. Participatory - review columns, ratings etc. What do they say - who's involved? Out of 12 people: 75% rated The Mirror 'bad' 17% 'poor' 8% 'great' The Telegraph Online - main story, who is it targeting? Most recent story - 'Brexit Latest Rory Stewart will stand to be London Mayor after resigning as MP' Target audience - demographics A -B Twitter - most recent, who is it targeting? - has it been retweeted? ...
David Gauntlett - theories of identity
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David Gauntlett - theories of identity British Sociologist and Media Theorist. Explored the idea that the media provides us with 'tools' or resources that we use to construct our identities. In the past media tended to convey singular straight-forward messages about ideal types of male and female identities, the media today offer us a more diverse range of stars, icons and characters from whom we may pick and mix different ideas. Gauntlett's main ideas revolve around the empowerment Web 2.0 has had. Web 1.0 = traditional media: television, radio, newspapers, film Web 2.0 = digital media: the internet, convergence of internet/TV/radio on mobile phones, YouTube, Twitter, blogs. He believes the separate categories of 'producer' and 'audience' are collapsing. Web 2.0 is creating social change . Society is becoming more active, making, doing and being creative.
Online News
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Pros Easily accessible from anywhere Less paper used / better for the environment Updated and immediate participate / interactive Cons unreliable (device) more targeted ads / more ad revenue Online newspaper - Stand-alone publication or as an online version of a printed periodical. Blame for the recent decline in print newspapers Recession means people don't have as much spare money to buy daily newspapers. People want news on the go and so they are turning to technology to get their news - news websites, news reports, and social media. People want their news quicker, daily print editions are already old news most of the time. Advertisers can advertise online for free - Gumtree for classified ads, for example. Advertising revenue has decreased and this is what pays for 70% of newspaper costs. The Daily Telegraph Who owns this newspaper? Barclay Brothers What are the circulation figures for the print...